So, I don't have an arena to ride in. Not new, I'm sure there are PLENTY of other riders who have to ride in fields/ on roads etc. BUT, can we talk MANNERS, please? I mea really? Do you HAVE to zip past my very skittish horse at say, 30 mph? And, would it please thy high-and-mightiness to GET OVER????? Kill your SPEED, not my STEED!
Okay, rant over. For now. Now, lets talk tack. I went tack shopping a few days ago, (as mentioned in a previous post) and got to use Annie's new bridle yesterday!! She looks SO cute!
AHHHHH!!!! so Cute! So, anyway, I'm done for now. I have a few tips coming up, but I need to organize them first. Se you later! And, Go hug your horse!