“Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed.”I think it was George Morris, but I am so scatter brained, I can't really be sure. All I know is, this quote is going on my wall someday. Many girls have discovered this passion, this humility, (because let's face it, if you are not a humble person, your horse will make you one) and this strength, and it has changed our lives forever. I hope that through this blog, or whatever you wish to call it, I can showcase the bond that we girls (and boys) have found with our horses. I really don't write about one certain thing, but rather a collection of things (the would be the scatter brain kicking in).
Sometimes I might right about MY horse, (there WILL be a post coming up about her soon. As in a few minute soon) and the adventures we have, sometimes I will write about my grandpa's horses, and sometimes I will write about any and everybody's horses. So buckle up and enjoy the ride, and DO try to keep up with my writing. It is kind of weird in some places, but trust me, there is a madness to my method.
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