Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gone riding, be back whenever.........

Well, we FINALLY got a little saddle time today. It's been snowing and cold for WEEKS. I didn't realize we are so close to Arendelle. Oh well. The sky is sunny, and the breeze balmy! (well, sort of. At least we weren't freezing our bums off!) Here are the pictures! (Since we ALL know, no body reads a blog unless there are tips or pictures....or both. Both is good, we'll go with both.)
Me and Annie. Not the best picture ever taken, but we'll take it :P

And, colleen and star!!! They work so well together!
That's it for now, will post something interesting later.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


So, I don't have an arena to ride in. Not new, I'm sure there are PLENTY of other riders who have to ride in fields/ on roads etc. BUT, can we talk MANNERS, please? I mea really? Do you HAVE to zip past my very skittish horse at say, 30 mph? And, would it please thy high-and-mightiness to GET OVER????? Kill your SPEED, not my STEED!
Okay, rant over. For now. Now, lets talk tack. I went tack shopping a few days ago, (as mentioned in a previous post) and got to use Annie's new bridle yesterday!! She looks SO cute!
   AHHHHH!!!! so Cute! So, anyway, I'm done for now. I have a few tips coming up, but I need to organize them first. Se you later! And,  Go hug your horse!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year!

Happy New Years guys!! I know, there is like two people reading this, but oh well. Keeping up appearances and such, New years was great for us! How bout you? Well, anyway. Not to much happened over Christmas either. Although, I DID drag my big bro Ry Ry to the tack store so I could buy myself some Christmas presents. (and by me, I of course, mean Annie and Star. Got a new bridle for Annie, (wah WAHHH!?) and, ummm, new spurs for me. (My trainer gets mad when I wear my western spurs with English clothing.) and...OOH, a lasso! Been needin' one. Also took a cute oicture. Sorta. Here it is.

Kinda cute, huh? Annie also got a new purple rope halter! (purple and silver are her tack colors.)
gotta go, will post again in a day or so!